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March 3, 2025 Board Meeting Highlights

Posted Date: 3/05/25 (:06 AM)

Comfort ISD News
Highlights of the CISD Board Meeting - March 3, 2025
Dear CISD Community,
Welcome to our monthly school board meeting newsletter. This edition brings you some highlights of the school board meeting that was held on March 3, 2025. Our goal is to keep you connected and informed each month.
In this issue:
CHS Varsity Basketball Team
District Champions Recognized
The CHS boys varsity basketball team were recognized as the "Blue and Gold Stars" at the school board meeting. The team were the District Champions for the first time in 20 years. They also advanced the bi-district round a few weeks ago. CISD is extremely proud of these young men and their accomplishment. They are coached by Mr. Sutton Wardlaw.
Coach Wardlaw
Coach of the Year
Comfort High School boys varsity basketball coach Sutton Wardlaw was recently named the District 5-3A Coach of the Year. He is seasoned educator and coach, and has built a strong basketball program at CHS. Congratulations to Coach Wardlaw!
Information Items
Information Items
  • Superintendent Dr. Munoz reported on the Comfort Education Foundation Golf Tournament that will take place in Fredericksburg, Texas, on March 22nd, the Summer Leadership Institute, the LASO $135k grant award, and the school district accomplishments so far for 24-25.
  • School Board Member Mrs. Charlotte Kneupper gave a brief communications report and emails that she sent out to congratulate staff.
  • Director of Academic Services Dr. Boothe gave a report about the current assessments taking place at the campuses (benchmark & TELPAS) and the visit that will take place to the Mark Twain Academy in San Antonio on March 5th to observe dual language classrooms.
  • Director of Administrative and Support Services Mr. Mike Colvin gave the board information about the Teacher Incentive Allotment and the possible application expansion, assistant principal meetings and purpose, update on the SHAC meeting, the staff wellness contest, the Johnny's Ambassadors THC presentation to middle and high school students, safety update, the new thermostat system, and grants update.
  • Food Service Director Debbie Esquivel reported on the participation numbers and the student food survey that was conducted by Breann Walker.
  • Athletic Director Jay Rieken reported on the results for the girls regional powerlifting meet and the state qualifier, the upcoming boys regional powerlifting meet, the golf tournament, baseball update, softball update, track and field results for this week, and tennis recognitions.
  • Technology Director Jennifer DiGiacinto reported about the preparation of the CES computer lab for TELPAS testing, the camera system and replacements, and helpdesk tickets.
  • McLemore manager Mike Wallace gave an update about the cleaning preparation for the spring sports season and the cleaning schedule for spring break.
  • Operations Director Trent Wilson gave a report on the ongoing maintenance of the fields, the completion of the DAEP restroom, the preventative maintenance completed on the school vehicles, and the installation of the package HVAC unit at the middle school.
Dream Big Work Hard Picture
Written Reports
  • Written reports were provided for all other departments and campuses. Some highlights of the written reports included a total enrollment of 476 students at the elementary, 227 at the middle school, and 347 at the high school. Each campus report included information about safety, academics, campus activities, counselor activities, communication with parents, staff appreciation/community partners, and upcoming events. Note that all information can be found on the campus weekly newsletters.
Action Items
Action Items
  • The school board approved the designation of 10 non-business days for 2025-2026. The dates are Nov. 21st & 24th, Dec. 24th, Dec. 26th, Dec. 29th, Jan. 2nd & 5th, and March 18th-20th.
  • The school board revisited the adopted 24-25 district calendar and approved April 18th as a flex day, April 21st as staff workday, and June 30-July 3 as holidays for summer staff.
  • The first reading of Policy Update 124 was provided at the Feb. 10th school board meeting, and it was approved at the March 3rd school board meeting.
  • A change to the GKD (Local) policy was adopted to allow "For-Profit" individuals or organizations to use district facilities following the same guidelines and fee schedules as non-profit individuals or organizations.
  • District and campus administrator contracts were approved for 2025-2026.
"Never Stop Growing... Be the Change"
CISD Vision: Excellence through Cultivating Hearts and Minds

CISD Mission: Comfort ISD ensures all students receive a premier education and exceed state standards. We desire excellence for all children; find and develop the individual talents of every child; and cultivate hearts and minds by teaching integrity and responsibility and empowering students with knowledge to develop into productive citizens.